Learn to Code, Code to Learn.

Latest Technology

You will learn to code using the latest technologies and tools, gaining insights into what is trending in the industry and how to develop solutions using it.

Coaching & Mentorship

Dedicated, encouraging, and supportive — our teachers believe in empowering students. They act as mentors, aiding students overcome and transcend personal barriers and reach the next level.

Hands-on Approach

Our project-based learning style allows students to use their creativity and critical thinking skills to develop innovative solutions for practical problems. This gives them opportunities to develop something to enhance their coding skills.


We believe open and transparent communication and knowledge sharing makes learning to code easier. We want to make that happen for our students. We are always here to help you.Is your son or daughter interested in learning to program? Not sure of the best next step? Schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation with All Students CODE coding expert! Call us:650-485-1880